Thursday, January 31, 2008

Time Flies..

Yes it does!!..time sure flies..its the last day of school before CNY holz.....
NOthing much happened today....first period...SEJARAH was really was like reading in another language..i think i failed...

Second period....MATHS TEST...Ms.Chelva had come in soooo what?..10-15 mins...she didn't even give me extra time!!...i didn't finish the paper....=(

Third period...GEO was ok...had to leave early with karin cause had to go for choir practice..we had to sing the oriental version of the school song (more about that later)...practice was fun.. back our papers..did another holiday homework.....more mindmaps....

Lunch=Free...why??....Because of of the advantages...FREE LUNCH!!.....

After that went to get changed for choir performance...everyone was wearing red..or something red...but one of us really stood out in terms of color..Johan was wearing..PINK...i mean all of us wearing he kind of stood started out great..until the surprise song for Datin..the ORIENTAL version of the school song....which started out ok..until Gabriel and Ga Loh came in was so obvious..can't blame them...nervous i guess?..Datin liked the song fact...she asked us to do it again...the song was fine this time.....and just like had already ended and the holidays were about to begin..YAY!!

I guess that's all for now....Here's a quote from the Oceans's Movies...

"See you when I see you"

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Sunday....a day before monday...and i still have homework to do...lets see..there's the science chart....geo project....and KH mindmaps....and its now...10.30 PM..oh well..less sleep tonight....I'm gonna keep this short cause I gt HW to do......


Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Whoa...what a went fast...
ok..first class of the day was ok...Puan Zainab was talking to mun heem about his face..and then she mentioned comes the funny part...Leon goes "Nuts are tasty"..then the people at the back started laughing..including me,because we were thinking about some other kind of Leon was like.."what's wrong with tasty nuts?!?!"

Second class...Math..i won't even go there...(Ms.Tok was in a good mood though)

Moral Time! Yay!! was fun for the first one hour because Ms.Rani was in our class...she is such a good teacher..she was telling us about her secondary life in an all girls school..and about how she sneaked out of her geography class..=)

If there's one teacher i realy dislike is Ms.Chelva..i mean..everyone hates her..and she's like so freakin 'lan si' about herself..saying things like.." words are jewels now..after this you'll become smarter"..WTH is up with that..especially today..we had to rearrange the "sejarah" board three times because she wasn't the end the thing that pissed me off the most is when she said that our work didn't meet her expectations...i really hate her...

English..(a sick minded class)'s why.....the class started out alright..doing some comprehension...all of a sudden we were talking about Joel making a DVD about baby-making...we called it "Baby Making 101" was a laugh..then i said something stupid..which i do not want to that was plain the end it was alright...

well...thats it for tuesday...To Be Continued....

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Dinner Time!!

That's right...I'm going out for what am i doing here writing this?..I'll tell you why..because I'm still waiting for my super slow parents to get dressed...if i rush won't be pretty....sigh...guess i'll just have to wait some more...

On the other hand..i can always learn so use HTML...seriously..i don't know how to..maybe if i asked Carolynn???? I really want to know how to use HTML...i mean...its really cool.....oh parents are i;ll end it heer

Saturday, January 12, 2008

My First Post..Hmmm

Hey..its my first post....and i have nothing to write about....i was checking out my friends blog the other i thought hey!!.why i start a blog too!! here it is....pretty much all i have to say so far....more stuff coming soon...(i hope)...=)